We're Glad You're Here!
We'd love to help you decide if Yoga Anywhere is right for you.

You See Me
You will see and hear me from the Yoga Anywhere studio and sometimes from beautiful, inspiring outdoor spaces.

I See You
Unlike many online classes where the instructor sees only a camera, I see you! Our state of the art video equipment allows me to see you clearly. No tiny laptop displays here. This means more personalized instruction and wellness benefits.

We All Feel Better Together
Just like a neighborhood studio, there is time before and after class to chat with the instructor and each other if you wish. Student's microphones are muted once class starts so everyone can enjoy their practice.
Yoga Anywhere is great option if you…
Prefer to practice in your own space but want personalized instruction
Find it difficult or unmotivating to practice alone
Have no time or desire to drive to a studio or don't have one nearby
Have health concerns about practicing in the same space as others
Are a caregiver unable to leave the house without back up
Have a desire to belong to a community focused on wellness
Want to deepen your existing practice and challenge yourself
Have been told by your doctor or coach that yoga would be helpful
Are new to yoga. We welcome everybody and make it easy to get started
What can I expect from a class?
All classes include stretching, balance, and strengthening to optimize mobility and wellness. Classes begin with a brief centering to connect mind with body, increase focus, and reduce anxiety. Our practice will consist of a variety of poses and different area of focus each week to keep things fresh and fun. All classes end with a mindful meditation.
How does it work?
Once you sign up for a class, you'll get an email 24 hours prior to the class. Click the link in the email to join the class - it's that easy! If you don't get an email the day before your class please check your spam/junk folder and add hi@yogaanywhere.live to your contacts.
Class etiquette:
Students may join up to 15 minutes prior to the start of a class. Turn on your video and audio if you'd like to join the conversation.
Once class starts students will be muted; video stays on.
You will see the instructor spotlighted (largest space on your screen).
If you need the instructors attention during class, please click chat and type your message.
If you need to leave for a moment (e.g. bathroom, get something) please keep your camera on. Turning off your camera once class starts is equivalent to rolling up your mat and walking out the door of a studio class. You will no longer be able to participate in the class.
We honor others by starting and ending on time.